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2024 Fall

LANGUAGE & POWER - COM380/COM580 Fall 2024

Eva Eckert
For information about registration please contact our admissions.

Language and power form a symbiosis that has been forever explored and debated by philosophers, poets and linguists. Power shapes languages and languages generate power. Language defines humanity and represents its unique communication system. But its true power lies in transferring information, constructing histories, cultures and identities, setting up networks, channeling emotions and defining esthetics. Language has power over us, and we succumb to its rules. Language is exploited in politics, media and advertising to manipulate and control. Living in and using language presupposes social and emotional engagement. Language and Power analyzes essays on language, power and violence by thinkers such as Orwell, Zizek, Chomsky and others, and dwells on questions such as: Do all humans have language"? Are those with writing more powerful than those without it? Do we all have the right to speak a maternal tongue and form a community around it? Are multilinguals more powerful than monolinguals? For a language to become powerful does it depend on social management? Et al."

Here is the course outline:


What is freedom, lecture by Timothy Snyder Speaking in Tongues series

2. The Humanizing Power of Language

Language is one of a kind

3. L3 Language Power: Communication

Culture and Communication


Discourse, critical linguistics and critical thinking

5. Discourse and power

Language strategies in exercising power: Analyzing texts and talks

6. Rhetoric: Being a good speaker

What is communication? The power of rhetoric vs. demagoguery

7. Truth-speaking and protesting

Parrhesia: Jan Hus, Vaclav Havel and Ilya Yashin

8. LANGUAGE and Politics: Ideology and PROPAGANDA vs. Freedom

Communication vs. propaganda Ideology and totalitarian power

9. Fall break

10. NATION, LANGUAGE and propaganda

Nations, national revivals and nationalism; Nation building in the 21st c.


Ideology of language standards; Language variation

12. Language DIVERSITY

Economic and social values of languages, the value of language diversity

13. The power of global and local languages: Globalization and localization

Dominant languages and dominated speakers

14. Global English: will its power last?

15. PROTEST and CIVIL RESISTANCE, the case of V. Havel

Protest and disobedience

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