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2024 Spring


Jacob Maze
For information about registration please contact our admissions.


Here is the course outline:

1. International/Global Political Economy (IPE/GPE): What is GPE?

This lesion covers the contours of what constitutes the field of international/global political economy.

2. Classical Liberalism and Labor Value Theory

This lesson will introduce the bedrocks of contemporary political economy, with a focus on the international dynamics of classical liberalism and economic nationalism.

3. Marxism and the Critique of Capital

This lesson tackles the complexities, both in accuracy and inadequacy, of Marx’s critique of the capitalist system, and applies it to theories of globalization.

4. Evolutionary Economics and the Politics of Rationalism

This section looks at the development of post-human value theories of wealth and focuses on the construction of certain socioeconomic systems.

5. Interactions of "International" and "Domestic" Forces

This session engages with the nature of interactions of international and domestic forces and their consequences.

6. International/Global Trading Systems

This class addresses the “knots and bolts” of the global trading system and its evolution.

7. Midterm Exam

8. International/Global Monetary and Financial Systems

This lesson examines the historical and contemporary intricacies of global monetary and financial structures and actors.

9. The Handling of Global Financial Crises

This class handles several global financial crises and the way international actors and institutions have handled and mishandled them.

10. Backlash against Globalization

This course discusses how further globalization will necessarily generate political reactions, at times, in a populist manner.

11. Contrasting Global Growth, Inequality and Poverty

This session examines the impact that the pursuit of global growth and profit have had on global inequality and poverty.

12. International Economic Development

This section looks at the successes and failures of international economic development.

13. Global Economy and the Environment

The final lesson discusses the impact of global economy on the environment, questioning the rationale of global economic growth and examining political and technological possibilities for dealing with the climate change crisis.

14. Final Essay

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