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2025 Spring


Dana Hague
For information about registration please contact our admissions.


Here is the course outline:

1. Purpose of HR

Course overview, Introduction to HRM, Role of HR in organizations

2. Planning and Resourcing

Planning the staffing needs to meet strategic organizational goals

3. Recruitment and selection

What is involved in attracting candidates and identifying the appropriate fit for the position

4. Learning and Development, Learning Organization

Developing workforce skills and the culture or learning

5. Management development, career planning and talent management

Developing talented candidates throughout the entire scope of the organization

6. Performance evaluations

Processes related to setting goals, evaluating progress and providing feedback

7. Rewards and benefits, Employee engagement

Processes related to employee compensation as part of overall motivation for employees to perform

8. Employee Relations

Processes related to resolving conflicts and employee grievances while protecting the organization’s interests.

9. Diversity and International issues

Understanding the benefits of diverse organizations and the need to create a culture where diverse talent can thrive

10. Organizational development and change management

Guiding organization through process of change

11. Health and Safety

Addressing topics such as Work-Life Balance and Stress management, protecting employee mental and physical health

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