The course presents the quantitative methods used for making managerial decisions emphasizing the application in marketing. The course is aimed to develop critical and analytical approach to decision-making, which is particularly important in the current changing, hence uncertain environment. The class points out the typical problems in decision making (drawing on behavioral economics and psychology) to emphasize the importance of analytical and conceptual approach. The class illustrates theoretical models on practical cases and problems, using computer software and applications. The topics covered include: forecasting and statistical analysis, game theory, decision analysis and decision making under uncertainty, network analysis, introduction to linear programming.
Here is the course outline:
1. Introduction
Feb 4
introduction to QDM |
2. Decision Analysis
Feb 11
decision analysis |
3. Linear Programming
Feb 24
linear programming |
4. Inventory_Control_EOQ
Mar 10
Inventory Control EOQ |
5. Forecasting
Apr 1
Forecasting |
6. Transportation Algorithm
Apr 15
Transportation Algorithm |