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2025 Spring

THESIS SEMINAR - HSS389/HSS589 Spring 2025

Einat Adar
For information about registration please contact our admissions.

This course introduces students to the purpose, structural elements and process of writing a Bachelor’s thesis. It takes students through the stages of writing, including: determining a relevant and appropriate research question, writing a focused and clear thesis statement in response to that question, supporting that thesis theoretically and methodologically, as well as revising and editing. The course will also develop students’ awareness of the stylistic conventions of academic writing. In addition, the students will learn to find and critically evaluate sources and to incorporate these sources in accurate citation format. Students will also come to understand the value of critical thinking, research and the use of sources in order to construct a well reasoned, well informed and well supported argument. The course is taught in a combination of lectures, class discussion, small group interaction and individual presentations. Each student will steadily lay a foundation upon which to build their thesis in cooperation their individual advisors. The ultimate goal of the course is for students to acquire and develop the skills necessary to engage productively and with their advisors and to efficiently produce a Bachelors’ thesis of high academic quality.

Here is the course outline:

1. Introduction

Overview of the course and requirements

2. Research Questionsm Thesis Statement, Relevance statement

What makes a good thesis topic and how to formulate questions

3. Secondary sources

How to locate, critically assess, and present secondary sources

4. Literature Review

5. Presentation of thesis question

Students will present their topic and research question, and will give each other feedback

6. Theoretical framework and methodology

Developing the theoretical and methodological sections of the thesis proposal

7. Putting together the final proposal

Final proposal outline, thesis structure and research plan

8. Research Day

Individual work and consultations

9. Term break

Holiday – Foundation of the Independent Czechoslovak Republic

10. Research Day

Individual work and consultations

11. Lesson 10 Collaboration and feedback

In-class Peer Review and Presentation: Thesis Proposal Outline (with Thesis chapter structure)

12. Assessment of progress

Individual consultations

13. Collaboration and feedback

In-class Peer Review and Presentation: Draft Thesis Proposal

14. Academic Writing

Formal and Informal Language, Defence Preparation, Troubleshooting

15. Research Day

Individual work and consultations

16. Lesson 14 Proposal submission

17. Relevance statement

Establishing the importance of your project

18. Theoretical framework and methodology - social science

Developing the theoretical and methodological sections of the thesis proposal

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